
Thanks for responding. I didn't have a chance to get under the car tonight. But one thing comes to mind when you mention the reverse ball detent. I noticed there is no 'click' or positive position for the reverse arm. While I was adjusting the rods I just positioned the lever to the forward position as far as it would go.

Should there be a 'click' or detent when the lever is correctly in reverse? Without a 'click' would I assume the ball may be missing? There is RTV on the bolt at the detent area, so someone's been in there.

There should definitely be a detent , disconnect the reverse lever from the trans and rotate the part it bolted to on the trans , if you have no detent you have a problem there . Pull just the outer bolt , pull the spring and put a magnet down the hole to retrieve the ball , if there is no ball you may have found the problem .