UPDATE.......... well, i spent ALL day checking out wiring, connections, plugs, etc. I'M LOST..... nothing seems out of the ordinary, or mis-installed/assembled. took the bus out for a drive, and as i expected, nothing on the cluster works. [along with anything having to do with the bcm- doorlocks, low fuel, cruise, etc.]GRRRRRR... i called everyone around here that MITE have a clue, and all came upwith ??????? , as they would have done exactly what i have already done, along with the suggestion[s] from rick. i hate to give up, but i need a bus and the "boss"[my loving wife ] won't have me use her car because she is afraid i will turn it into a "truck"[well, a guy needs a truck don't he ? ] anyway, i have a few[VERY few]bux i can use for a new bus, so i guess i'm looking for one . this bus runs good, but the body is starting to go - both rockers need replaced, and both sliding doors have the bottoms gone. oh, the gate has rust, and the hood is starting to go too........ BUT it RUNS so good.......
well, maybe it's time to just replace it ????
still looking for help.......