


I can not believe people don't research stuff before buying it...... At least it's not anything important or safety related... Unisteer rack conversions have been a known problem for years...

He might have owned the kit for years too. Long term projects.

True but I was hearing of problems within months of them coming to market...

Probably read about it in a magazine that gave it a rave review about upgrading your old Mopar with modern technology.. Course there was a big ad in the magazine for a year cause articles aren't based on technical merit so much as advertising dollars....

Good reason to quit accepting tech for magazines as gospel & start paying more attention to posts on the internet where there is no $$$ changing hands.. Some posters may have agendas but hopefully you can read past that... This has been my single biggest pet peeve with magazines I know it's how the world works but endorsing crap should have consequences... Then again the fact magazines are failing due to the internet might be a consequence...

isn't that the truth. most of the magazines will only feature products from advertisers so you know they will never say anything bad about the product that helps feed them. all the tech sections are anymore are new product release advertisements.

should always search forums for real world experience with stuff like this.