


Ive been workin out problems with the outer wheel housings to quarter panel meeting areas on my 74 barracuda. The wheel housing is way off.It also did not match the original inner housing. I had to cut slices in the flange area and cut the complete lip off. A lot of extra metal work that I did not count on. Called them up and they were honest and admitted that they knew about this. But still???I'll be doing the other side in a few weeks, and not looking forward to it.

I had the same problem with the inner wheel housing not meeting up with the quarter panel. I don't understand how this issue is the same on the e bodies and b bodies. Mine were 1/4" too short so we had to add 1/4" to the wheel tub.

Are you saying there is a problem with the wheel houses on the 69 B-body???
I am needing to replace both inner and outer.

Ed B

NO, I am making reference to the 71B quartrs I just installed. I have no experience with the 69B's.