

Personally, if i wanted to build an all-out fast as possible on as little money as possible car, i'd find a first-gen RX-7 and either a boneyard 400/440 or Caddy 500 and spray it.

I second that...except buy a second gen, the IRS will handle alot more power than the solid axle and most manual equipped gxl cars came with a 4.10 LSD

They look WAY better too... as in, i actually like the look ov them, especially the Turbo II ones. But the downside is weight... as a general rule, second gen is 300lbs heavier than 1st, all things equal. If we're looking for the best speed to cost ratio, 300 is a ton. Plus, if you cant get a 1st gen RX-7 for free you're not looking hard enough. I'd just assume that to break 10's even in a 2500lb car you'd be changing the rear anyways.

My friend, who is not particularly gifted in building light cars, built a first gen RX-7 with a mild 302, T-5, and (for some reason) a Ford 9". The thing could still lose a lot ov weight, he drives it to work, its already gone 11's. He's some nitrous away from 10's, and has about $6000 in the thing from start to finish.