



Pressures are fine.

what Stump said, You're good

But it is low and you might want to know why.

Why do you think that's low. Unless it's a brand new no mile motor those pressures are fairly normal if that is an in gear at idle 20psi. My 408 runs about 60psi at 6500 and 20psi in gear at idle(750 rpm}. After racing it for 2 years at those pressures I still show very little bearing wear.

I did not say it is a problem. I believe that it is low enough that it is worth looking into and understanding why. I know nothing about his build. If its a motor with 0.003" rod and main bearing clearances, full groove mains, designed to put a lot of oil up top, and has a std pump pressure relief spring - it makes perfect sense - would not change a thing.

But, if its a stock rebuild with stock clearances, half groove mains conventional oiling, 15/40 oil, and the pump is good (not to necessarily confuse a new Melling pump with good), then something is not right or not what it should be. Is it enough to matter, probably not.