You are in need of a vacation. Relax. This forum is for help and suggestions, right? I take help from people here but I still have my own brain. If some anonymous guy says a Nova fender would fit my Dart, I'm not going to try it. I ask more questions and do more research. What are we doing to people? What happened to personal responsibility? We cant just do stupid things and then blame other people. Remember when the town idiot was ridiculed instead of protected? Nowadays we make excuses for why the town idiot makes mistakes...
He was led astray
He trusted the wrong people
It wasn't HIS fault.
This forum isnt an owners manual and it isnt the bible. Its chock full of a wide range of people with a full spectrum of answers from the dead on accurate to the absurd. Sometimes my responses are at one end or the other. John, I usually respect your posts. I'll just figure that you are having a bad day but I look forward to your posts in the future. You are one of the smarter ones here.