Everyone I know who is running a TTI system is happy with it. I am only running the old TTI 3" H-Pipe system with the large super-turbo mufflers. This was after spending good money on a 3.5" muffler shop system with race bullet mufflers that dumped before the rear axle. The muffler shop system has badly crumpled bends, and the turn downs would blast debris off the ground right back up onto the rear axle and the bottom of the car. It also sounded like I was running uncapped mufflers, even after I installed the larger welded race mufflers. The TTI system fit, came with all the hangers, and reduced the exhaust noise to a tolarable level, and there was no difference in performance in my car which just runs 12.5 in Denver, but 11.80's @ 115 in Vegas.

I currently have Hooker 2" supercomp headers, but they don't fit worth a darn, and I can't get them to seal at the head. I may bite the bullet and get the TTI headers.