Someone will correct me if I'm wrong (where's JohnRR ) but I believe 7T refers to a 77 engine, T for truck, E for cast crank. Regardelss, a 69 block would be E440.

Where in Illinois are you? If you are able to drive to Indianapolis, I might be able to hook you up with a near-complete 70 440 350hp (missing the carb) with 80k miles. Been sitting loose in my garage for 3-4 years, not sure if I'll ever use it or what to do with it. I'd sell it for the right price, of course, but between the $400 bare-block ads on here and the guys that say they buy whole running 440s for $200, I'm not sure what price to put on it. It's been a low priority so I just squirt the cylinders and spin it periodically.