
Why not use the right wire and leave the guitar wires to the guitarists?
You could use it as well as piano wire but why would you? I am guessing you have some lying around. Try it, but the big thing as stated is take your time, windshields break easy. I have broken a few and learned it is much easier to be patient, as mentioned. Good luck.

The key here is "braided brass wire" Brass won't hurt glass, braided makes it cut great and the one's I did cut just fine cold. Nothing needs to be "heated"

It seems if the glue was heated then it would be sticky and want to stay stuck after you cut it?

I have never used piano or gitair strings but have heard guys on here say they had a hard time using instrument string. And I'm thinking it is mostly steel wire? which won't bend freely around corners when your sawing. And I doubt that it is braided. And I bet it is thicker too.

So my advise to you is to use the wire from a auto parts store and be sure to get the job done correctly.
The wire has to bend around a very tight radius(the thickness of the glass) at 180 degree bends multiable times while your sawing, so the right wire is important.

PS the large T handle tool in the picture above is what is used to push the wire through the glue to get started. It's very handy.

Once all the trim is off both sides, I can cut it out in 2 or 3 minutes by myself, I have long arms.