
I have tried to contact Scott about having the event at Indy as it is under new management and a wonderful place now.

This track in the next 5 years will be as sought after as Norwalk when it comes to track prep, event coordination, and overall track personal

You seem to be quite the PR guy for IRP these days. Just remember that NHRA owns INDY and doesn't give a hoot about anything other than Labor day weekend at that track. Their genuine interest is for 1 weekend a year and the rest of the season they couldn't care less. Now you can dispute your case because your friend is gonna make big changes, which I hope is true, but don't be disappointed when his "hands are tied." Anything NHRA does is designed to take from the little guy in order to feed the machine.
That schedule you posted about Fri nights is a perfect example, $200 to race for what $1500 or so. Sounds too much like running a nat event at 300 a hit to win a grand. If it weren't for contingencies, that attendance would suffer. I hope I'm wrong, but we'll see how your attendance fares as the season progresses.
All I'm sayin Josh is I understand your enthusiasum for your home turf, and IRP (or whatever name they hang on the gate) will always have a lore about it, but they have along way to go to compare with Norwalk. A premier track is alot more than concrete, asphalt, and a bunch of bleachers, there has to be that connection with the little guy, which NHRA doesn't have a good history of.
Anywho, sorry if I got off topic a bit. As for the OP, I would rather attend this event if it were in Indy or Chicago, not interested in going to St Louis. Like BG mentioned, the attendance would reflect that if the event were moved.