
Bob I was blown away with the news. I still can't belive it.
There just isn't words to say. Our thoughts are with him.

Jimmy,I knew it would be hard on everyone that knew Fred.We have been reliving Curt's accident ever since Fred called and know full well the anguish Fred is dealing with.Nick was quite a kid that enjoyed life,we will never forget our times together and watching his excitment as he crewed for his dad at the races nor ever forget how Fred enjoyed racing with his son.It is a terrible feeling to lose a child.All that we can do is be here to support Fred in these trying days.I know Fred is strong and will deal with this tragic event,but knowing that his friends are here for him will give him a greater strength to do so.
Our heartfelt feelings of strength and emotions from all at BGR go out to Fred,his family and friends.There will always be a special place for Nick in our minds and thoughts,we will never forget his youth and excitment.