
For a freind of mine who's son passed today. He is a member here.

Jimmy,like you I found it very hard to even post this tragic news,but being a close friend I don't think that that Fred would be upset with me for my words here.Fred and I have been friends for quite a while and Nick was like part of the family.When Fred called we were devistated and speechless.My mind raced back to this time of year when Fred lost Frances(his wife) and the words we shared and now Nick.All I could do was tell Fred to be strong and I was here for him.Fred is very special to me as he help me through the loss of my son Curt,cancer and a heart attack.I remember vividly all his calls to me when I was in the hospital and taking treatments as well as all the support we gave each other during our bad times.Fred and Steve Reasbeck are who brought me to Moparts.To everyone,please take sometime this special day and think of Fred and the loss of his son Nick and I can only say,to Fred ,be strong my friend,we are just a phone call away.

Last edited by B G Racing; 12/25/10 01:30 PM.