For what it's worth, , "back in the day" we didn't go with just adding up the panel paint times because painting an entire car is a different sort of thing. Anyway, generally on a car like yours we would start with about 24 hours paint labor, 8-10 hours to R&I the trim, 2 hours to mask, and 2-4 hours to sand and buff if it was a "nice" car. Materials were figured separately based on the 24 hour paint time. (That was for exterior paint, if you need the jambs painted, engine compartment etc., figure at least another 8-10 hours.) Usually those times were agreed to with little or no negotiation, the only real negotiation was usually over prep time. Which was entirely dependent on the condition of the existing paint and what is hiding underneath.

That is my best recollection of how we did it when I started in the business back in 1981. And here in So. Cal. there were still PLENTY of cars like yours on the road for me to write estimates on.

Those were the days...

Some see the glass as half empty, some see the glass as half full. I just drink straight out of the bottle.