Okay...I am back with some information. I apologize for taking so darned long but winter storms have been driving lots of overtime at work.

QF Q-1050-AN OOTB Specs:

Primary Jet : 84
Secondary Jet : 90
IAB's : 73
HSB's : 33
Primary Squirter : 31
Secondary Squirter : 35
Needle & Seat : .130's
Primary PV : 4.5
Secondary PV : blocked

For comparison, here are the specs from the down-leg booster 1050:

Primary Jet Size 86
Primary Power Valve (Hg) 4.5 Hg
Secondary Jet Size 93
Primary Outer Air Bleed 70
Primary Inner Air Bleed 28
Secondary Power Valve Plug
Secondary Outer Air Bleed Sizes 70
Secondary Inner Air Bleed Sizes 28

I was surprised by the differences and wish I could make more sense of them.