OK...I failed my carb measuring/recon mission today. 'Went out to the shop after work to fire up the heater and realized my power wagon was the last unit in the first bay. It dropped so much dirt and dust I was afraid to turn on the forced air heating system in fear of a dust storm. I spent the afternoon sweeping, putting patio furniture in the back room, and cleaning up from the last three rush jobs. Don't you hate it when you have to get cought up to start the next mission?

I'll pull the carb off and measure/etc hopefully Saturday.

To follow up K Falls is a tad under 4200 and it goes up up up in any direction out of the basin. Brad, we too are looking to get the hell out of here in the next six months so I can't blame your brother. The DA changes so drastically when the sun goes behind the clouds or you pass by a cold mountain run off fed lake it blows my mind. Sometimes you can actually feel the car surge a little and then the cold air comes rushing in the vents. It is really noticeable driving over the Willamette pass during early summer on a 100 degree day when you pass Odel Lake.

My theory behind using the annular was two-fold. I was hoping the better atomization of the annual booster would help make the carb more consistent performance wise (pipe dream on my part, right?) and the 1050 main body would be comparable to an 850+ cfm downleg carb. I'll say that I really love that old beater 850, it has righteous throttle response on my combo!

'Sorry about the hold up.

I'm hoping Larry with the Blue 4-speed '68 RR chimes in as he runs a QF 1050AN and could provide us with some insight.