While 69 GTX wheel opening moldings are unique, I believe all 68-70 Plymouth B body moldings follow the same curvatures, with only the length being unique. (The bead on the Satellite moldings might be a little wider as well - does anyone know for sure?)

I'm a mechanical engineer, but not a machinist or die maker. However, it seems to me that it wouldn't be too hard to design a die capable of producing properly fitting full-length moldings that could then be replicated to produce the shorter GTX moldings. After all, they did it 40+ years ago & machinists should be no less capable now.

Being able to produce a myriad of different moldings off the same basic dies should help the economics. After all, how good can the economics be of producing poor quality pieces, half of which are probably returned? Any ideas of how we can get a manufacturer to step up? Contacting the current crop of manufacturers and vendors doesn't seem to do much good, but I think we should keep up the pressure anyway.