
= I would think you should have a weight on your
converter aswell. Ive got several bad reviews on Bosshogs, but havent had 1st hand withem.

The OP said he has the B&M flexplate with the offset (weight I am assuming). If you have the correct weighted flexplate then you can't use the larger external balance weights on the converter or you are doubling the offset weight, putting it back out of balance. One or the other, not both. That said, most converters have small weights added on after rebuild to bring it back to neutral balance on its own, like balancing a tire.

I was not aware that internal/external harmonic balancers had weights that bolted to the back.. I guess I assumed they would bolt to the front cause thats where ma mopar put them. To the OP, when you said there were no weights on it where you just looking at the front like I would have done, or are you sure they are not bolted in from behind?

Oh, and I am not a fan of BossHog converters having had a bad experience, though there is a post you can search for where someone claims their quality has improved since then.

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