
It's more like taking a house that has been in the family for 40 years. The neighborhood you live in is now considered an historic district. The house is paid for and appreciated greatly and all your neighbors are old and set in their way and you decide that painting it lime green with pink trim and purple shutters, putting in wall-to-wall shag carpets with extra tacking strips on the nice original hardwood floors, rip out the curved staircase and put in metal steps, turquoise vinyl furniture and a John Deere tractor mail box at the front door will be a good idea...and then you don't understand why the neighbors should care! The town historical/ architectural society will have something to say about it even if it is your house.

And that's exactly why I would never live in in an area where the local subdivision Nazi's could tell or require what I do with my own house.

If you owned the property before the historical/subdivision Nazi's were organized and you never joined them they're SOL IMO.

My point is that the property owner has rights.

Once again, would I have done the cutting to modify the car, no.
Would I do bolt on's, yes.

But it's his car!

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol