

Yep this about says it all. Sure it sucks it's a piece of history...But lets face it if it was up for sale for 100K as is it would be on the WIW board with people saying it's worth 20k tops...

If someone really wanted to save it they could as EVERYTHING does have a price...

That's not always the case, some people don't have a price. As crazy as it sounds they refuse to sell no matter what.
I have a buddy like that, he's had obscene offers for his car (it's a one of 62 built IIRC) and his reply is "It's not for sale".
His wife on the other hand keeps the potential buyers contact info.
The day after he passes away she'll be on the phone pimping it out to the highest bidder.

Well then you confirmed my point EVERYTHING has a price it's just that he won't be around to know what that price was....