Some people, especially older racers, are VERY resistant to change. They DO NOT embrace new technology and constantly reminicse about the "good old days", that were in all actuality, not that great. Sure, the cars were cool, but thats about it. There were no decent parts, not many places to race and the pay was laughable. I can see them not embracing the "new" cars, because it is not what they grew up with and they are not comfortable with EFI and new technology.

EFI is the way of the future, without a doubt and it has already been proven what these new combos are capable of. NHRA will get a better handle on the factors and I would not be worried about all the old school cars being factored out. One thing I would like to see, is a combining of both worlds. Similar to IHRA "crate motor" classes. I would like to see you be able to drop a late model EFI HEMI into a Duster, Challenger, Volare, whatever. The best of both. Old style cool cars and modern power. It would be easy. A factor is a factor, does not matter if the weight goes in a 2010 Challenger, or a 70 Challenger
