Here is a perspective to think about. Would you do all the electrical and plumbing work in your new house if you had never done it before? Probably not. Sometimes it's better to pay an expert in their field and work a little overtime at what YOUR good at. Like was mentioned before, you may spend 5k or more in good equipment before you ever get started, then it may not be something your able to tackle correctly. There are a lot easier parts of a restoration you may find more enjoyable and skilled at. There is no shame in having some things on a restoration farmed out! Why people insist that you have to do EVERYTHING on a car to be proud of it is just silly. I would rather know for sure in 5 years I will not have to worry about any rust/integrity issues-paint and bodywork is not something that can easily be done again at a later date. Shop around and look at a shops work and get references! Good luck!