Yes, you’re in the Race section, so yeah, guys that come in here aren’t geared toward your question.

‘Lite on pictures’… Did you join the website I linked to earlier? There are pics there, however the pics in this thread pretty much show the things that can be done. In the past year or so I have researched and found 2-3 webboards that have pics of beerbarrel mods. Bionicdodge, a Dakota-Durango forum, etc. They all show pretty much the same thing. You shorten the runners for RPM (which is not what you’re wanting) or fill the top of the plenum with epoxy and/or do the airfoil thing. You will either need to try those things yourself or come up with something new.

Based on the large quench pad on the Maggie head, and the high-comp piston you described, I think it would be a perfect application for Singh Grooves (if you are willing to experiment with a ‘snake oil’ type of thing -- I would if I had more time).