Thanks for replying

Im sorry but i guess I should have addressed my questions to the judge(s),

but going by a previous post of yours when you listed what points you got “dinged” for, and i didn’t see the carpet listed, + you are forthcoming about the use of the carpet, I was just wondering how the judging rated components like that, maybe the judge can chime in

I am confused as to your response. It sounds like you had some kind of point deduction for c-body parts on your

Also bodywork that was done + covered with non original paint.??
Please don’t tell me you that you lost points for not having found 40 year old paint to use, that’s absurd.

Im sorry but im not sure if im following you on those issues

I agree 100% with what you said, its not just great parts but also great workmanship, research + detail that make a great restoration, the whole package!!

Your Picasso reference is right on

And as previously mentioned, I do want to say thanks for the help with all of the high quality reproduction parts that you and your restoration has developed or has helped to develop, they will be an asset to all who want to put the best readily available reproduction parts on their cars!!