I was gonna keep away from this post but i`ll add my . Like everybody else already stated, there are slight differences between the two classes. Unless you have been trapped in a cave you have been reading about FAST cars for 10 years now. If you want to attend a race and see all these cars you’ve been reading about you’ll see them at the FAST races. At Englishtown last year we had 7 cars running in the 10`s and this year the entire quick 8 field will be in the 10`s. I don`t believe the other class has had one single car run 10`s this year? Our rules are way tighter and we have had cars running in the 10.teens at over 137 mph.

*FAST does not allow the BIG INCH MEGA blocks, we only allow factory water blocks. Most of the FAST guy`s like the challenge of building power around limitations. That`s what attracted them to the class to begin with. FAST tear down to keep the cars in check!

*To run in FAST you have to run the intake, heads, manifolds, etc the car left the factory with. The other race will let you run a mega block and a set of heads the car never seen from the factory. F.A.S.T. is keeping it grass roots, from the out-siders point of view more impressive because of the restrictions we face. It keeps the class intriguing and that`s part of the reason even after 10 years we still attract magazine coverage at our races. This year, after 10 years, will be our biggest year..

I`m tired of this "traction control" deal, first off you CAN NOT police against it, the top of the line $5000 units are made *not to be detected or found*. NASCAR and their million of dollars of resources can`t police against it and are constantly fighting this subject. Supercar or FAST, Please..LoL.
Every single traction control system out these basically runs off the ignition system. I`ll offer this up. At the Nats you buy me a MSD6AL we will wire it up and i`ll make a pass with no "traction control", I don`t run traction control so my ET/MPH will be the same. If not i`ll hand you over $500. Once in a while a traction control post comes up here and i`ll PM the guy and tell him what i found, he will write me back a few month later and tell me I was 100% correct. I`ve tried 3 different ETC set-ups and my car was slower with them all.

Dave Dudek
1st Factory Stock legal car in the 10`s!!! [/b]
FAST & Factory Stock Rules: www.fastraces.org

FAST 69 Hemi RR 9.98@139