


How fast is your wifes car? I was listening to a racer buddy & a NHRA tech inspector discussing seat belts certification tags awhile back & something the NHRA guy mentioned was if theres an out of date tag he has to fail the belts but if the car doesn't go fast enough to require a certified set of belts (10.0 & quicker I believe) & there is no tag... It gets a pass...

Any truth to that

If you do not run 11.49 or qicker you do not need dated belts. I have dialed 11.5 and stayed below for a season just because I didn't feel like buying a set of belts. Never was questioned about it. They would rather see you run with expired belts that worn out OEM belts that would also be legal.

Same basic combo as the last one, but a little more camshaft, Thanks Dewayne! Old combo would run 11.0's. So, we have to have them. But I guess I can use them in my truck I'm putting together. I dont think it'll hit a .49 Yet!