

when painting cars with the doors closed 3M makes a foam mask to keep the over spray out of the jambs and not leave a hard tape line.
it works great. if you are spraying sealer it will leave a sealer line in the jamb so be careful.
they also make a special tape to stop sealer lines. if someone needs the number i will call the paint store for it.

Great info, Thanks

I agree this is great info. I have been working on my project off and on for the past several years. Last night I showed a friend the car and I pointed out to him the weld lines at the rear qtr patch panels. Since I have invested so many hours into the project he advised me to hold off on painting and try to do a little more body work to try to hid the weld lines. While I am very much looking forward to getting the car painted I think I am going to take his advice and try one more time to hide the weld lines. On each side even after using bondo there is a small ridge which can be felt by hand. I am sure it will both me for years if I paint and it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I am not much of a dolly and hammer guy; however I read to put the dolly on the back side and strike with the hammer near the dolly but not on the dolly to move the metal. I am going to give it one more try before resorting to more bondo. On second thought before I break out the hammer and dolly I might try one more skip coat of bondo and then instead of using a sanding long board I might try some type of sanding block that contours to the curve.

Again thanks for the great info which I hope to use in the very near future!