
Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint?

Posted By: 73cudaproject

Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/05/10 07:12 PM

After many years I am finally ready to prime and paint my user name sake '73 barracuda which has turned into a '70 clone. On my previous and first painting project I learned the hard way by painting the parts before assembly and some panels did not match. My plan this time is to paint the inside of the shell, jams, interior of doors and trunk lid etc. Then hang the doors, try to mask off everything, then spray exterior with high build primer, block sand, etc. then do the final paint. I would like to get the doors adjusted so I do not have to go back and make any adjustments after the windows have been installed. While adjusting the doors should I add weights to the doors? If so I can find the windows and hardware which are in the attic to weigh them; however does anybody know how much weight to add?
Posted By: Kern Dog

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/05/10 08:03 PM

If I understand this right, you are thinking that the added weight of the window glass and hardware will affect the door adjustment? It wont. I was wondering why you intend to paint the backsides first, then the face sides. Primer overspray can still get to the freshly painted ineer sections.
Are you painting a metallic? I ask this because you mentioned painting separate leads to an inconsistent color match. Shops paint cars when apart most of the time. The trick is to hang the panels in the manner that they are mounted on the car. Doors and fenders upright, hoods and decklids flat. Spray the paint in the same direction that you would as if the car were together. Paint all panels at approximately the same temperature and with the same batch of paint.
One other idea...Paint the backsides and let dry for a few days. Flip everything over and paint the face sides. THEN assemble the car and spray two more fogging coats . I've done it both ways. Good luck.
Posted By: Barnabas_Kriss

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/06/10 05:48 AM


If I understand this right, you are thinking that the added weight of the window glass and hardware will affect the door adjustment? It wont.

On an E-body, it very much will affect the alignment. I learned this the hard way a long time ago. The door glass, mechanism, door latch, handle, panel, etc weigh about 38 lbs per side.
On my last project, I added weight, then aligned everything, turned out perfect!

If you are painting metallic, don't paint the panels separately. On my 70 cuda it was done as follows:

1. Prep all inner surfaces (door jambs, engine comparment, etc)
2. Install and align all panels (with rebuilt hinges, etc)
3. Block and prep outside with the panels installed, so all lines line up perfect. Get everything ready fo paint.
4. Remove panels, and paint all interior surfaces
5. Re install and final align all panels.
6. Mask all gaps and inner surfaces (it can be done, I had zero overspray, but took about 2 days to do!)
7. Paint outside
8. Touch up bolt heads using air brush. It looks 100% like it was sprayed together.
9. Blend together any visible masking lines (polish)

This was done by a local painter, and I'm extremely happy with the outcome.

Attached picture 5966765-DSC07196.jpg
Posted By: dvw

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/06/10 12:40 PM

We align the doors then drill a couple of 1/8" holes through the hinges. That way you can insert a drill bit to line the hinges easily. I agree, add weight and weather strips as it all affects fit. Glue on weather strips can be taped in place for testing. It depends how picky you want to get. We prefit every thing. Hood inserts,door handles,window moldings,tail lights,headlight bezels,etc. You never know what doesn't fit. painting can be done with doors on or off. A less experienced painter may have better results with all the body parts attached.
Good Luck Doug
Posted By: 1_WILD_RT

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/06/10 12:52 PM



If I understand this right, you are thinking that the added weight of the window glass and hardware will affect the door adjustment? It wont.

On an E-body, it very much will affect the alignment. I learned this the hard way a long time ago. The door glass, mechanism, door latch, handle, panel, etc weigh about 38 lbs per side.
On my last project, I added weight, then aligned everything, turned out perfect!

B bodies move too...
Posted By: Mr T2U

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/06/10 12:55 PM

when painting cars with the doors closed 3M makes a foam mask to keep the over spray out of the jambs and not leave a hard tape line.
it works great. if you are spraying sealer it will leave a sealer line in the jamb so be careful.
they also make a special tape to stop sealer lines. if someone needs the number i will call the paint store for it.
Posted By: Challenger 1

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/06/10 01:05 PM


when painting cars with the doors closed 3M makes a foam mask to keep the over spray out of the jambs and not leave a hard tape line.
it works great. if you are spraying sealer it will leave a sealer line in the jamb so be careful.
they also make a special tape to stop sealer lines. if someone needs the number i will call the paint store for it.

Great info, Thanks
Posted By: 73cudaproject

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/06/10 05:38 PM



when painting cars with the doors closed 3M makes a foam mask to keep the over spray out of the jambs and not leave a hard tape line.
it works great. if you are spraying sealer it will leave a sealer line in the jamb so be careful.
they also make a special tape to stop sealer lines. if someone needs the number i will call the paint store for it.

Great info, Thanks

I agree this is great info. I have been working on my project off and on for the past several years. Last night I showed a friend the car and I pointed out to him the weld lines at the rear qtr patch panels. Since I have invested so many hours into the project he advised me to hold off on painting and try to do a little more body work to try to hid the weld lines. While I am very much looking forward to getting the car painted I think I am going to take his advice and try one more time to hide the weld lines. On each side even after using bondo there is a small ridge which can be felt by hand. I am sure it will both me for years if I paint and it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I am not much of a dolly and hammer guy; however I read to put the dolly on the back side and strike with the hammer near the dolly but not on the dolly to move the metal. I am going to give it one more try before resorting to more bondo. On second thought before I break out the hammer and dolly I might try one more skip coat of bondo and then instead of using a sanding long board I might try some type of sanding block that contours to the curve.

Again thanks for the great info which I hope to use in the very near future!
Posted By: crlush

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then pa - 05/06/10 06:19 PM

If you can feel it with your hand then you will most certainly see it don't just use bondo take post some pics and we will be glad to help.
Posted By: 1_WILD_RT

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/06/10 08:06 PM


when painting cars with the doors closed 3M makes a foam mask to keep the over spray out of the jambs and not leave a hard tape line.
it works great. if you are spraying sealer it will leave a sealer line in the jamb so be careful.
they also make a special tape to stop sealer lines. if someone needs the number i will call the paint store for it.

I've used it, it's ok but I can get better results with a soft tape line...
Posted By: sthemi

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/07/10 12:47 AM

Did you rebuild the door hinges?
I left mine up about a 1/32 to the rear to allow for weight of glass and hinge break in...

Hopefully it will be right...

Attached picture 5968101-PICT0354.jpg
Posted By: 73cudaproject

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/25/10 06:38 PM


Did you rebuild the door hinges?
I left mine up about a 1/32 to the rear to allow for weight of glass and hinge break in...

Hopefully it will be right...

I decided to hang the doors and do a little more work on the body line. I ended up buying a Bosch laser type device for projecting a straight line. I am going to use the laser light to lay out a straight line with tape and then put a thin layer of bondo to the tape line, sand, remove tape and tape other side and redo the process. Back when I started work on this project fenders were not available so I converted my beat up '73 style fenders to '70 style fenders (I am cloning this into an AAR). I think this extra step will make it look much better.

While hanging the doors I discovered I definately need to rebuild the door hinges which I'll do after I finish working on the body lines.
Posted By: 4BBodies

Re: Should I install doors, add weight, adjust, then paint? - 05/25/10 07:50 PM

Thanks for the link on the 3M foam tape, that should work well. I always paint mine assembled, it is just torture to keep from screwing up fresh piant when putting them back together. And I don't care what guys in here say, metallics do NOT lay well or match when panel painting. If you did it once and they matched, you are an extremely gifted and lucky individual, and also probably not familiar with Murphy or his laws..........
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