
Ok, I saw Doug's 68 Omaha Orange RR that he bought in 1968 this morning at the B&M car show. This is the car I posted pictures of above


I had a hunch. Your car has a VIN just EIGHT at the L.A. plant before Doug's 68 RR pictured above bought new at Glendale C-P. Yours is 167192 Doug's car is 167200 !! Both cars have the same SPD fairly late in the model year, June 24, 1968.

The cars are VERY similarly equipped on the fender tag. Yours has y-6 and z-8 his doesn't. His has has axle code 45, yours is 4. Don't know the difference between bottom line 3 46 numbers he has and the 5 44 you have.

The VON's are way different. Anyone's thoughts on that??
Here is Doug's window sticker:

In 68 that would be an SO not a VON.

Dealers typically got their sales order forms from their sales reps. The reps had boxes of them that were in numeric order that they dispersed throughout their group of dealers that they called on. When the dealer got low on them they got the next numbers that the rep had. He may have given the previous numbers to your new batch to a dealer many miles away from your dealership. So in this case, the SO numbers for these cars could simply be a matter of the dealer running out of the cronological numeric forms and began writing orders on the new batch he got. There is no magic in it and trying to corrolate V.I.N.s with SOs or VONs sometimes works and sometimes not because of this.