Hey man,
Im in the process of doing this too. I torched the bushings out. Smells and takes awhile, but it works. I then airchiseled the metal sleeve till it cracked and then picked it out with pliers, visegrips, etc.
For the bj's, go to your local autozone or advanced auto and rent a pickle fork and the socket you need for the uppers. They do have the right size socket, I know cuz thats where I got it from.
I havent had a chance to put eveerything togehter cuz Im sanding and painting them. Tyring top make them look all purdy.
But, when I do put the bushings in, Im going to leave them in the freezer overnight and just press them in whatever way I can. I have heard that it works.
This is all on 69 b body, so I dont know if yours is that much different, but I hope this helps.