Flow results from today on the RHS 2.02 head...


*First column is OOTB,
*2nd is with about .025 removed from the intake side of the chamber wall.
*3rd column is a real quick guide area trim.

0.100 68.9 73.3 71.6
0.150 101.4 107.2 104.9
0.200 131.8 138.3 136.8
0.250 160.6 163.3 164.3
0.300 185.7 187.4 190.1
0.350 207.4 207.7 210.4
0.400 225.3 224.3 227.4
0.450 238.9 236.5 240.3
0.500 248.5 245.3 250.3
0.550 252.2 248.3 255.5
0.600 255.3 258.8 258.2

EXHAUST (as cast, no changes) w/1.750" pipe

0.100 62.1
0.150 83.2
0.200 103.8
0.250 138.1
0.300 152.1
0.350 161.8
0.400 168.2
0.450 171.8
0.500 172.7
0.550 173.2

We were then wondering how other benches are reporting 270-ish and then it dawned on us: Flow them WITHOUT a spark plug...duh...

Peak with the 10 minutes worth of chamber touch up and guide smoothing, the intake went 273.8 @ .600, with turbulance right after .600, although they still went 269.4 @ .650...

Chambers measures at 62.5

Pretty good bang for the buck, I'd say. The as supplied valve job was VERY conservative, leaving quite a bit of margin at the valve edge. We're going to spend about 8 more hours this week and rub on the guide areas some more and correct the VJ and we'll find more flow, I'm sure.

Looks like the short side of the exhaust can be laid back a touch, so we'll try that when the intakes are all done.

As they are, they SHOULD support a 525-550-ish HP motor. Again, pretty good head for the coin!

We won't get to the EQ's for another week, as we need to get valves and work schedules won't allow any more time until then.

Last edited by cudadoug; 02/27/10 11:16 PM.