

Plus it's a big mess to clean up if you fill the bore at BDC afterwards.

How do you figure ??? You don't just flip the engine and dump the contents on the floor when you're done !!! You use your head and with some small hose or tubing you siphon the fluid out of the cylinder. Tilt the motor slightly and properly position the hose and it should get just about all the fluid out. Jeez !!!

Sorry you have your way, I would do mine a little different. No I would not be dumping the oil either, but I would not need to either. Done correctly it will give you exactly the same measurement. I see the reason for the first measurement, but what benefit is there to have the additional measurement at BDC, when it can easily be calculated in less amount of time?

Last edited by HealthServices; 02/26/10 12:30 PM.

Allen Here's a novel idea, let's not throw a bunch of parts at the car hoping it will fix the problem and instead spend a little time diagnosing it first. Life was a little easier when I was just a wrench.