I know...Look, she's been turning laps in an Indy Car, now she's gonna turn laps in a stock car...Obviously she can drive. It's the media that is ruining it for me. If I heard DW say Danica one more time I was gonna scream.

FYI...all those guys she's racing against this Saturday have done nothing but race since they were kids too, and this time more that a handfull are gonna be in good equipment.

Winning an ARCA race means nothing in the sport of big time stock car racing...She finished 6th.

We won't know if she deserves to be in seat of that car till mid-year, maybe later...She might get taken out on the first lap of the next race, does that mean she can't drive? No.
But due to owner points she's guaranteed a start this Saturday, regardless of how she Q's.

But I don't buy into the running up front & leading laps. Not this year. Maybe never. How many wins does she have in INDY? One. And now she's gonna jump in a stock car and run up front.....LOL

This ain't "Days of Thunder"

She's not that good, not even in her own series.

2001 Dodge Dakota
408 All Motor
11.27 @ 117.83 mph
2017 NM Mopar Challenge Series Champion.