P L E A S E...
You guys touting ...this or that..
shes in the best car money can buy..
yadda yadda yadda...

i challenge any one of you to tell me you won the money on your first race out....
Not gonna happen...too many variables in that sport.
( iknow a few...D/R-ing but its more luck than skill)

get real....she didnt wreck ...and there was plenty of chances for her to have wrecked..btw..

and as for wrecks behind her...a couple of them where in front of her...

she was in the back and moved to the front..
she was in 11th spot with 3 laps to go and finished 6th..
i dont care who was driving..boy or girl...there is no exuse for that not being an excellent showing...PERIOD>.the #7 car ran an superb race.

sure i think shes hot...thats a plus...
tell you the truth if she was fat..i wouldnt give a dang...wouldnt give her a second look.
but if she was fat and still drove the way she did...id be saying the same thing....she can drive!
i could give a damn about roundy round..racing
i watched it cause i wanted to see what would happen..with few pre-concieved notions...
She did well...didnt push it ...which many men seem to do and wreck all the time.
she shoulda been in the wall backwards then up on her roof...but didnt..
she should have finished 22nd...but didnt..
\she should have finished 11th but didnt.
could she have won.?..doubt it.
.didnt have the confindence or experience...again thats fine.
she brought it home in 6th..which she earned in the last laps..
you guys...sittin in your chair with you fat gut...saying this or that...(me included) crack me up..
first time out...all of you would choke...
i see no reason to complain or say anything other than she is definately qualified and talented enough that she earned the right to be where she is...
id say that,,, no matter who drove the 7 car sat night


365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured