It all comes down to money----and Dodge has the least amount to spend----and has the least amount of cars running their brand. Toyota spends a lot, a lot of money on factory support. Ford spends a lot too, GM still spends a lot(although how I don't know considering the government backing). Dodge has just lost too much money to continue Nascar funding. Ddoge has also cut back on NHRA funding as well.

Forget about "brand loyality" of the racers----it just doesn't exist for most racers, it's all about the money. There are a few exceptions but not many.

Like most of you, I would like to see the race cars more closely resemble the actual cars driven on the streets---but I also understand the reasons for the Nascar specifications. Todays street versions would not be safe at superspeedway speeds and aerodynamics greatly influence the performance of today's race cars.