Once the kids that watch Pinks All Out, become interested in drag racing and then show up at an NHRA track, it will dry up quick. Don't forget, a lot of those kids are not versed in the nuances of the sport. A lot of them just bolt a nitrous bottle on something fairly quick and show up.

I can hear it now "Those belts are too old", "Where's your master cutoff?" "Where's your neck roll?""Those lugs are too short""Where are your firepants?"

Oh, those rules are good, and in most cases are required, but a lot of the ameteurs that watch Pinks are not aware of them. Once they drive 150 miles and get the ration of crap some NHRA tech guy will give them, that will be the end of that.

To top it off, they will soon come up with an edict stating no programs at IHRA or AHRA tracks. I'm sure they will figure out a way to milk every buck out of it until they destroy it.

Last edited by Steve1118; 01/08/10 12:24 PM.

"Old age and treachery trumps youth and enthusiasm, every time!"

East Central Director / Chrysler Power Magazine
