

Ya want pictures...

Warfords from a 59k mile virtually rust free car

Link to build pics

To the finished product

Link to finished pics

I had a older camera then..I appologize for the quality of some of them.

Man Rick, that was a while ago! I don't even remember half of that stuff. Also, Superstockracer, if you think 8.80's in AH is easy to do, think again.

Also I think either car would work fine, Warford's is just a better deal for the money, and it's proven. Maybe not the newest, trickest stuff, but that doesn't really matter. Build a new 25.5 one and you'll find out how much it really costs.

trust me i know how hard it is to get 8.80's out of an ah car.
8.50's in warfords car is huge. getting .3 in this class costs thousands of $$$.
thats why best bang for the buck has to come into play.