Why does everyone who thinks if you go SS racing you have to be at the top of the heap? Correct me if I am wrong here but one only has to run under thier index to be in the bracket race. You do not have to run 1.25 under to get in, just under. At that point you have entered a bracket race. The only caveat is when you come across a car in the saem class during eliminations, then the faster car has the advantage becuase it becomes a heads up race. So how often does that occur? From what I have seen it is a not all that often and I am willking to bet with the EXTREMELY limited number of AH cars out there that it is a very very rare occurance.

Now class run offs are a different animal all together. That is where the pocket book and ego come into play.

As for me now way in heck I would go SS racing. If I had the money some of those guys had in their rigs I would run Comp again for sure.

FWIW having seen the SuperCuda and other cars from MR2 I think you would be hard pressed to find a better deal. I dont understand the fascination with trying to buy one of the West Virginia cars when from what I remember they were WAY more money than what the Warfords want and thier car is first class and runs very well. But hey it aint my money. If yo uare just looking to get into it Wendel's car seems like a decent deal that is worth looking into as well. I mean $75Kish for a T/K car that has been 8.80's seems ok as well.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"