I have no experience with Rossler, so no comment there. I DO have experience with CalTrac, Spicer and have both of Morgans books,( the early notebook style and Doorslammers) been to his class. I disagree with some of what he says works. I have no problem saying that their suggestions many times dont work. Caltrac gives you a suggested starting point. Do you think that works the same for a 500HP Stocker iwth 9 inch tire and a 4 speed as it does for a 3000# bracket car with 700HP? Of course not. We have 10's of thousands of runs down the track, and theory doesnt always meet reality. They all may give you what they see as their application, they many times dont work. Race cars are constantly changing, flexing, moving, torquing, thrusting etc. What is set at a static rest doesn not mean that it works at speed or under motion. What I am saying is no matter how many books you read, how many classes you go to, how many videos you watch, real experienced builders, racers, chassis tuners etc, find other ways to make the cars work. What the manufacters often give you is a starting point. It may work, it may not. One of our racers recently fell upon a tune up that everyone said was a complete waste of time, no way could it work, your beating your head against the wall etc etc. Guess what. Fastest pass in class history.BUT, if he listened to the experts, it never would have been tried. So my point is, experience never lies, results never cheat. It is what it is. If Monte, Mike, BG, myself, the man on the moon say something works, then it works. If you oppose that, thats absolutley fine. Your perogative. You recently were tuning your car for your first passes on it correct? I bet you found out some things about tuning your carb and engine during that process? Did you nail your combo right out of the gate beacause of all this reading material? Did you need to ask for some help in tuning it perhaps? Is your car maximized already? I bet not. It takes time, laps and experience. I will listen to the experience first every time. Thats my point.

I said my peace, thats all I'll say, and continue to watch the fun....I got work to do...

RIP Monte Smith

Your work is a reflection of yourself, autograph it with quality.

WD for Diamond Pistons,Sidewinder cylinder heads, Wiseco, K1 rods and cranks,BAM lifters, Morel lifters, Molnar Technologies, Harland Sharp, Pro Gear, Cometic, King Engine Bearings and many others.