
I'm back into this old post hoping some of you could chime in and help me. I had my 8-3/4 axle housing and end plates powder coated and they turned out great. My problem is getting the inside of the housing clean. They blasted and baked the housing and the inside looked clean and dry except for the dried grease/oil residue.
I started with an industrial water soluble machine shop type cleaner degreaser. I thoroughly washed the interior with a brush. After it dried I cleaned the inside again with brake cleaner spraying until the cleaner ran out clean. I still feel a very fine grit when I touch the inside. How did you guys clean the inside of your housings? Do I need to keep cleaning until all interior surfaces feel smooth? Should I try pressure washing the inside. I definitely want all the grit out before I reassemble everything.

Steam pressure washer kicks azz when it comes to heavy oil and grease removal. This tool has saved me me countless hours. Perfect for cleaning the inside of a axle housing.