We're in Minnesota (JIT Powder Coating) but I can make a few recommendations on powder coating. You won't want to try powder coating a fully assembled unit. I can't tell you how many people have dragged in a fully assembled rear end here. Remove axles, seals, 3rd member, etc. Pressure wash the bare housing as best you can prior to blasting. If you want to do the 3rd member you'll need to remove the ring and pinion, pinion seal, etc.

After blasting, everything needs to be washed and dried thoroughly prior to painting. Depending on how greasy the housing was it may be advisable to have it put in the cure oven for a half hour or more prior to doing anything else to see if any impregnated grease or oil will become viscous and bleed out. Much better to find out now that after it's painted.

Don't go with a real high gloss black if that's the color you want. We recommend a 60 gloss black (Your powder coater will know what that means) which is a good compromise on appearance, maintenance and long term performance.

If the housing is really pitted badly, you should discuss a primer coat being applied before the color top coat. This will make for a much smoother, 'new' looking housing. Don't let them go crazy putting a lot of powder on. 1.5 mils of primer and 2- 3 mils of color is plenty. Some people fall into the some is good, more is better trap. I don't recommend a clear coat.

In this area we charge $175-250 for blasting, prime and color top coat of housing, spring perches and backing plates. Drums can also be done but the brake contact surface needs to be masked and that's labor intensive. 3rd member can be done too, but masking is involved here, so figure another $100-125 for 2 drums and 3rd member in the mix.

The heat required to cure the powder will not warp or otherwise affect the housing. The ramp up of heat in the cure oven is not a problem and most powders only require 350-390 degrees F for up to 30 minutes to cure properly. Let the parts cool down on their own once through the cure oven.

If you have other questions feel free to call us at 651-463-4664 or email JITPOWDR@AOL.COM

Good luck with the project!

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