A few years back I ordered a set of reproduction AAR hood springs from year one. Part # A0112B
I painted them to match the car, but because of hood warpage issues, they are rarely ON the car. Mostly they just lay around here on a shelf. These reproduction AAR springs measure 36 coils long, 1 3/8 outside diameter, and 6 3/4 length not including hooks.

That's remarkably similar to original T/A hood springs.

I started to look into this once before when I first bought these springs, but I've lost my notes from back then. From what I could tell, it looked like the repro spring manufacturer had mixed up the T/A vs. the AAR and was selling them to various distributers mislabeled.

Now I'm working on a T/A, and am considering ordering a set of repro T/A springs just to see what I get.

Will someone with original AAR springs please take outside diameter and length without hooks measurements and post them here so that we can compare.
