
That jackleg must be my neighbor in his old neighborhood. Even though I live in an unincorporated section of our county with absolutely no noise ordinances, everytime I fire up a car for more than ten minutes (which is why I moved out here) the cops show up, rolling their eyes, " hey man, your neighbor called and....wow, can I check out the cars!!??" They usually end up drinking a soda and talking cars for a while, making a big show for Mr Sunshine.

Hey BigDad !! I know where there is (at least up to last year, anyway) a 1956 Dodge cabover free for the taking in a field in Jackboro. A co-worker purchased some land and this thing was on it. It's an old oilfield truck, its problem being its location (off the paved road) and the rear is locked up. I have a photo around here someplace. Do you want me check into it? I'd be glad to pitch in and help....RICK

Yes Rick, I do .. I'd like to build a ramp truck if I could find something like that to start with

The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating.Proverbs 18:6