My point is this ..

Moparts ..

Is without a doubt , the one place where , no one ever says

"Hey thanks for the effort "

Most threads , just repeat..

Over and over ..and OVER

Hence , the long running joke about Pinion angle .

Most sites work like this ,,,

Common response .

Thanks ,,

Nice pics ,,

I have never seen that pic before ,,

etc., etc , etc

Here , the crowd just looks, no response ..

I keep the threads alive mostly because I want to personally want to keep a record of things I see that remind me ..

I see the views, I know people look ... but , no one considers the time it takes to share it

and, other than a few , no one add's to it

I do get some help bumping it from a couple people

Dartman does post pics often ..

it is just the way Moparts is ..

I have often thought, just stop posting them, no one cares ...

but , i do

The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating.Proverbs 18:6