Ok; some trivial trivia....this shot of a school bus on a California used car lot would take on quite the crazy paint job for a TV show that any kid of the 70's would quickly recognize....any guess' as to what show this bus ended up on?

4744031-Bus1.jpeg (128 downloads)

B Dartman's 71 Dart Swinger in Mopar Muscle (Sold Dec 2021): https://www.hotrod.com/articles/1971-dodge-dart-destiny-determination/
B Dartman's 71 Dart Swinger in Dodge Garage (Sold Dec 2021): https://www.dodgegarage.com/news/article/showcase/2019/04/destiny-determination.html
B Dartman's 71 Dart Swinger early build pictures (Sold Dec 2021): https://s165.photobucket.com/user/Billswild440dart/library/