I've been watching this post with interest. You all are correct in the choice of cam. Hyd. Roller profiles are more aggresive than a solid ft. However, I think the post while valid, isn't going after the most important item :: cyl pressure. It is very difficult to develop needed cyl. press. The planned motor, w/o the cam is suspect to me. Static compression ratio needs to go up. With alu. heads to 12 to 1.
I had an iron headed 383 at 11.7 static cr and moderately aggressive cam with quench @ .040 that ran w/o any detonation. But it was still underpowered up here.
Consider that we lose an average of .9 sec on a good day of quarter mile times because of air density/cylinder pressure when compared to sea level. Many times our DA is 8000-9000 ft. Generic power loss is on avarage 20%. No cam profile is going to make that much up.
So to plan this out correctly IMHO, Up the static compression ration to 12/1 and .040 quench and use that roller you have posted. My experience says you will still be fine on detonation AND you will have a build that will scream.
I will also add that that cam seams a little small. I've now got a Solid ft that is much more agressive than whats posted in a 470.

Last edited by BELVEDERE67; 10/21/09 06:35 PM.