Many years ago, I did a lot of measuring when I was thinking about putting a turbo 2.2 into a 35/36 Plymouth sedan. Thought was to build a frame from scratch, with the standard 2.2 and front drive under the car fenders. Width and location would have put the widest point of the drive train under the fender ridge. I believe stock track width (drive train from an 85-89 Lebaron GTS) was about right, the rad from a mini van would have had to mount high in the grill shell with the engine/trans particially under it. At that time, the fwd Mopar engines sat ahead of the trans, so the entire engine would have been in front of the front wheels (the current Neon 4 clynder drive train is the same way). The grill shell and front 1/2 of the fenders would have had to tilt to gain acess to anything on the engine, and behind the intake/exhaust would have been much open space to use as a storage area. Would have used 2" square tube as a frame from the engine compartment to the rear, ran the exhaust through the tunnel, and had a stock fwd rear axle.

I went as far as building the front frame rails, had the engine and trans, all the wiring, the rear axle, even had the car (35 4 door Plymouth). Had big plans on building and marketing the chassis. That was about the time I lost my job, been over 15 years since. Think most of the front frame rails are still here, and I think I still have the 2.2 turbo and auto here, though I have doubts about their condition anymore.

Just another of the big ideas that never happened. Seems my past is littered with these kind of ideas. Now, let me tell you about this idea I have.............Gene