not that it isn't a interesting or good system i can't say either way but one thing i don't see mentioned is how much these systems load the drive. i have to question the amount of load these big and bigger pumps put on the drive. in just a standard type configuration you're changing drive direction once at the cam to the drive with the missile you're changing it twice. again i'm not commenting on any of these systems as far a quality just drive loading. yes a dry sump is an improvement but how much and at what cost? for a road race application there's more of a need than for drag race. another thing to consider is just how much oil the engine really needs. if you're holding the relief valve open all the time you're just pumping oil in circles heating it up and wasting HP. as for the "smashing oil" theory i've worked around pumps for a long time and have a hard time buying that one. there are different types of pumping elements that do affect efficiency but any positive displacement pump is going to "smash" the oil that's how they work.