Got the block back from the machine shop, and all bearing bores check within .0001 to .0002 on all five bearing bores, front to rear, and all are nice and round.
One discrepancy- my dial bore gauge was set to zero off a good mike, at 2.9425. Block came back tagged 2.9427 . I checked all bores, all measured +.0011 to +.0013, or a total of 9.436 to 9.437. I pulled another brand new mike out of its packing to double check my dial bore gauge, and came up with the exact same reading as the first mike. By setting the new mike to 9.425, it reads zero on the dial bore gauge same as the first mike.
Any input on the difference of measurements?

Last edited by gregsdart; 09/15/09 09:17 AM.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky