
quick77rt, what legal options do you have or have taken?

Since you asked I will answer, so far simply talking to a detective here and one in Flordia as how to put things in motion, the detective here told use to collect all our docs, which we have over 30 pages.

So we took the paperwork to the detective and he said hes willing to fill out the "request for assistance" paperwork so one state can work with another.

The detective in Flordia said he would act on it due to the amount of money involved. And also said he would speak to the locals that have come forward that Eddie has screwed as well to show the pattern M/O Eddie has used on others.

Eddie did not accept or sign for the recent registered letter since my emails, phone calls were ignored.

Ive made it public id like it resolved and would even take a hit in the wallet...no word from eddie.

Ive also made it clear I wont let it pass the year point....take your pic from civil to criminal action, if eddie contiunes to ignore the issue its pretty easy to say I dont care if I need to spend another 4k or 14k or whatever it takes to get a resolve and its time these shops that screw people over and over be held responsible.

No amount of spin can detract the facts that he took our money with no intention of completing the job, and when I was advised by a old, wise well respected racer (team owner) to get my parts out of eddies shop while I still could and had a person in the area I did so before eddie could re-plan the scam.

The last I heard from eddie was the day my parts were picked up...His first words were...."Im not ripping you off" Gee why would I even think that?

And then 5 minutes of begging to let him finish it...

Ya know all ive asked from eddie is for a good set of carbs and some linkage to square things up, simply to save the law/court BS and so I dont have the feeling Ive had inside for a long time of being foolish enough to trust him and just pain flat out being robbed.

So until its resolved, ive very much an eye for an eye attitude.

So to see him begging for cash again...

I wont post second hand comments, but its clear eddie has burned alot of bridges and many are fed up with him.